We are looking forward to the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, April 4-7, 2016, and the London Book Fair, April 12-14, 2016.
Bologna Children’s Book Fair: Fiona Kenshole and Marie Campbell will be representing Transatlantic Agency at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, while Amy Tompkins will be attending on behalf of Orca Book Publishers. Amy Tompkins will be representing Orca’s titles at the Orca table in Hall 29, D7 on April 4-6, 2016. Fiona Kenshole and Marie Campbell will be at the Transatlantic table in the Agents Centre on April 4-7, 2016. For an appointment, please email Marie Campbell at marie@
transatlanticagency.com, Amy Tompkins at amy@transatlanticagency.com, or Fiona Kenshole at fiona@transatlanticagency.com.
London Book Fair: David Bennett, Stephanie Sinclair, Shaun Bradley, and Fiona Kenshole will be representing Transatlantic Agency at the London Book Fair. Shaun Bradley and Stephanie Sinclair will be presenting titles at table #18F in the International Rights Centre on April 12-14, 2016. For an appointment, please contact Shaun Bradley at shaun@transatlanticagency.com. Fiona Kenshole will be in attendance at the London Book Fair on April 12 and 13 (contact: fiona@transatlanticagency.com) and David Bennett will be there from April 12 to 14 (contact: david@transatlanticagency.com).