We’re thrilled to welcome award-winning author Norma Dunning to Transatlantic!

Norma is a southern born and raised Inuit writer. She is a fifth-year doctoral candidate registered at the University of Alberta, Edmonton. Her doctoral work examines the intricacies of policy towards Inuit who are residing outside of their land claims areas.

Norma writes in both prose and poetry. Her debut collection of short stories, Annie Muktuk and Other Stories received the Danuata Gleed Award 2018 and the Howard O’Hagan Award 2018 for best short story, as well as a bronze standing with Foreword Reviews and is being translated into French through a Montreal-based publisher.

Norma is working on a book that critically examines the impact of the Eskimo Identification Canada system. She also working on a second collection of short stories.

Norma is represented by Stephanie Sinclair.
