We’re very pleased to welcome Tara McGuire to the Transatlantic Agency.
Tara’s short stories have been broadcast on The Sunday Edition and The Vinyl Cafe on CBC Radio and published in local and international publications, such as Impact Magazine, Australian Yoga Life, The Vancouver Province, and West Coast Families. Her personal essay “Hook an Anger” was shortlisted for the 2018 Writer’s Union of Canada Short Prose Competition for Emerging Writers. The new anthology, Always With Me: Parents Talk About the Death of a Child includes Tara’s prose essays “Mourning Sickness” and “Hole Family” and her poems, “Go Away” and “On Sunday.” During Tara’s twenty-nine-year career as a radio broadcaster, she interviewed many extraordinary people, including: Isabel Allende, Sarah Ferguson, Robert Redford, Roberta Bondar, Queen Noor, Goldie Hawn, Madeleine Albright, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Sally Field, Isabella Rosselini, Lily Tomlin, Irish Prime Minister Mary Robinson, Billy Jean King, and many others. Tara holds an Honours Diploma in Radio Journalism from the British Columbia Institute of Technology, is a graduate of The Writer’s Studio at Simon Fraser University, and is currently working on her MFA in Creative Writing at the University of British Columbia. She is writing her first volume-length work: a personal exploration of the opioid crisis, by examining events surrounding the overdose death of her son, Holden. Tara McGuire lives in Vancouver.
Follow Tara on Twitter @tarajmcguire and taramcguire.com. We look forward to supporting you on your journey with writing!
Tara is represented by Marilyn Biderman.