We’re proud to congratulate Rachel Giese‘s BOYS (HarperCollins Canada) and Abu Bakr al Rabeeah & Winnie Yeung‘s HOMES (Freehand Books) on being named finalists for this year’s Shaughessy Cohen Prize for Political Writing!
This annual prize, presented by the Writers’ Trust of Canada, awards an exceptional book of literary nonfiction that captures a political subject of relevance.
On BOYS: “With a skillful mix of original reporting, scholarly research, and personal anecdote, Rachel Giese presents a deeply felt examination of the forces that shape how boys see themselves and how we see them. No one, from parents to policy-makers, can read Boys without rethinking their notion of manliness, masculinity, and how we raise young men.”
On HOMES: “This extraordinary story is about the resilience of family in the face of profound terror; Yeung writes with a deceptively simple, meticulously observed eye and novelistic attention to plot and character. As Canadians grapple with the complexities of welcoming thousands of refugees, they would do well to read the powerfully affecting story of Homes.”
The winner will be announced on May 15, 2019. For more information about the award and the full list of finalists, please visit www.writerstrust.com/shaughnessy-cohen-prize-for-political-writing.