Welcome to the Transatlantic Agency, Caia Hagel!
Caia is co-author of the groundbreaking Girl Positive (Knopf Canada), a Sophie Trudeau-endorsed book that uncovers how girls are shaping a new world and becoming the leaders of tomorrow, and co-founding editor-in-chief of the award-winning SOFA, a youth culture magazine & talk series that pioneers cross-sectional dialogue and innovations in using technology for heartwarming people-centric purposes. SOFA recently partnered with the Goethe Institut Sao Paulo to lead #GirlGames, the very first gathering of girl videogamers from across Latin America to produce games that reflect their authentic realities, an event that set a new bar in game storytelling and influence, and was documented by VICE.Caia is also co-founding director of the Social Media Police Department a Click Activism forecasting agency that—using the notion that the social media age lives on a less than nourishing digital diet—spearheads higher standards for digital content & consumption, and new approaches for digital wellness. @smpd she designs Inner Beauty digital health products and packages, and consults with brands and influencers on identity, relationships and how to be worth following in 2024. Caia is a speaker on innovation, pop & youth culture, the internet and the future, and her presentation on Selfies at Forum D’Avignon Paris contributed to a Bill of Digital Human Rights.Caia is represented by Senior Literary Agent Carolyn Forde.“Tatiana Fraser and Caia Hagel’s Girl Positive couldn’t have come at a better time. With U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump injecting the most loathsome and retrograde attitudes into the popular discourse on what feels like an hourly basis, a book like this arrives as a corrective, indeed a righteous counter-blast. . . . The stars of this book are the girls and young women doing the talking, and it’s their voices—unguarded, touching, b.s.-free—that will stay with you.” —Montreal Gazette
“[A] diverse, in-depth take on modern girlhood and the importance of mentorship. . . . The book opens the girlhood franchise to all young women, breaking out of the white, middle-class status quo that dominates popular culture. Girl Positive . . . also serves as something of a contemporary handbook on how to encourage girls to develop a clear sense of autonomy and individuality.” —Flare
“[A] hopeful exploration of what it means to be a girl in 2016 and beyond.” —Toronto Star
“Tatiana Fraser and Caia Hagel are out to change girl culture. . . . Girl Positive . . . spotlights real-life struggles, like the crushing pressure to meet beauty standards.” —Chatelaine
“You need to read this new Trudeau-approved book about mentoring girls. Sophie Grégoire Trudeau says this new book is a ‘call to action’ and it totally is. Consider it your handbook on how to encourage girls to be strong and independent.” —Today’s Parent
“This book is about the real, sometimes awkward, essential conversation that can be a life-altering opportunity if we as parents, youth, mentors, teachers and citizens take an honest look at ourselves. In 2016, here in Canada and abroad, women still can’t walk their journey through life with the same feeling of freedom as men. The objectification of the female body, the normalization of pornography, and rape language and culture is destroying the self-esteem of our girls and is an insult to the spirit of our boys.
This inequality takes a toll on the health of women’s and men’s psyches as well. The world is paying a high price for this imbalance on economic, social and spiritual grounds. The human soul has no gender; girls and boys, women and men must come together to build a more just and peaceful society. This is a call to action. Words matter. Actions speak louder. Let’s get moving.” —Sophie Grégoire Trudeau
“I was moved to tears first at the possibility of a world where girls can grow up individual, different, free, safe and proud. A world where a female president is not an aberration, a world where little girls can be little girls and dream out loud. A world where girls have a voice and can become women without guilt or fear to shape the lives that become them best. Fraser and Hagel make a strong case for such a world. But Girl Positive is all about the girls, their voices, their particular visions and stories. It’s in their words, all together, in one voice coming in loud and clear. It’s that voice that we can no longer ignore. It’s that voice that will win in the end and when it does, we will all win.” —Agathe Snow, artist and performer
“Timely. Generous. Accessible. Provocative. I hope every teacher, health-care professional, social worker, policy maker and parent will read.” —Michael Kaufman, co-founder of the White Ribbon Campaign (the largest effort in the world of men working to end violence against women) and author of The Possibility of Dreaming on a Night Without Stars
“Equal parts smart, sassy and savage, Girl Positive will inspire girls around the world.” —Sam Maggs, author of The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy
“As exciting and candid as a late-night dorm room discussion, Girl Positive knows the issues young women face today are similar to previous generations, but on a much more complex level—like a video game’s highest difficulty setting. Anyone reading this book, no matter how alone they might feel in real life, will become totally enveloped by the community of funny, smart and inspiring young people who populate it. Best of all, Girl Positive, which treats young women with respect for their intellect and choices that is all too rare these days, proves the kids are all right—and will be, as long as they can benefit from the celebration of strength, intelligence and positivity that Tatiana Fraser and Caia Hagel know is at the core of every teenage girl navigating the world today.” —Duana Taha, author of The Name Therapist and contributor on LaineyGossip.com
“[T]he impact of Girl Positive is strong because the authors let the voices of the young women direct the analysis. Diverse role models perceptively articulate their feelings, interrogate cultural contradictions and embrace leadership opportunities. In aggregate, they render a rich portrait of the complicated cultural terrain they’re negotiating in an age of twerking. . . . A sensitive and intersectional inquiry into the complex lives of young women, Girl Positive paints a compelling picture of the authentic power girls have the capacity to wield when they are encouraged to find and use their own voices.” —Herizons