Congratulations to client Nikki Tate, whose new book HOME BASE: A Mother-Daughter Story (Holiday House) received a starred review in Kirkus Reviews this week!
From the review: “Daughter is a plucky pitcher out to prove herself and improve her skills on the baseball field. Mom is a tenacious mason looking to secure a new job and execute it with excellence … A celebration of female perseverance and success: brava!”
About Nikki TateNikki Tate was born in Birmingham, England, and spent her childhood roaming the globe. She is the author of more than three dozen books for children. Over the years, she’s worked as a book reviewer, a bookseller, a professional storyteller, and a farmer. Nikki’s home base is in the Rocky Mountains, but she loves to travel, particularly if she can find a rock to climb or an ocean to sail.
Nikki is represented by Amy Tompkins.
To read the complete review, visit: https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/nikki-tate/home-base/