Today, June 8, 2020, workers in publishing and media commit to a day of action in solidarity with the uprisings across the United States and Canada in response to the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, and the many, many others in the long history of Black people murdered by the state.

We protest our industry’s role in systemic racism, its failure to hire and retain a significant number of Black employees or publish a significant number of Black authors, and its pursuit of profit through books that incite racism.

We stand together against the systems of white supremacy and racial capitalism that legislate these murders and today refuse to participate in complicity. And we dedicate this day to acts of service towards that end (protesting, phone-banking, donating, providing mutual aid, working on books by Black authors). As BIPOC and allies, we also set this day aside for Black publishing workers to rest and heal. If you stand in support of the cause, consider a donation to one of the many fundraisers providing material support to the grieving families and the protesters out on the streets.

A list of fundraisers can be found here:

Transatlantic has made donations to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, Black Lives Matter, the Black Legal Action Centre and the Canadian Civil Liberties Association. 
