The Secret Diary of Mona Hasan, a middle grade novel by debut author Salma Hussain, and a second untitled novel, have been sold to Lynne Missen at Tundra Books. Join Pakistani Muslim, Mona Hasan,  as she moves from big-city Dubai, in U.A.E. to small-town Dartmouth in Nova Scotia, Canada and tries to  answer life’s big (and small) questions – ‘when will my chest grow, Allah? Why isn’t my mother like the mothers on TV? What is tongue kissing? Why is Aba ruining our lives by moving us to Canada?’ Warning: Mona’s attempts to make sense of the world around her by using hope, humour and tween poetry is likely to  leave you laughing, relating and reflecting. The Secret Diary of Mona Hasan will publish in May 2022. Amy Tompkins at the Transatlantic Agency handled the deal for English rights in North America.







