After twenty years as a successful Literary Agent, Founding Member, and former Board member with the Transatlantic Agency, Ms. Shaun Bradley is stepping back from active agenting as of the end of this year. Her author clients will largely remain with Transatlantic and have already found new representation within the agency. Shaun will stop selling new projects for her clients by the end of 2021 but will continue to oversee their already-existing contracts in tandem with their new agents.

Over her two decades with Transatlantic, Shaun has played an important role in growing the Agency. Her prestigious client list features winners and finalists for the most prestigious book prizes awarded nationally and internationally, including such bestselling authors as Linden MacIntrye, Kathleen Winter, Gary Barwin, Russell Wangersky, and Carol Off.

Says President Samantha Haywood, “Shaun has been a supportive and experienced colleague to so many of us over the years at the Transatlantic. We will miss her wisdom and collaboration at our group meetings. But we all wish her the very best for her retirement and future endeavours, which I personally hope will include some great travel.”

Shaun Bradley has worked in trade publishing for almost 40 years as a book publicist, program administrator for the International Festival of Authors, and general manager of the Canadian Manda Group.  She joined Transatlantic as a member of its Board in 1999. She became a full-time agent two years later.
