Henry Herz is the author of ten picture books, including the critically acclaimed I AM SMOKE (Tilbury House), 2 PIRATES + 1 ROBOT (Kane Miller), MABEL & THE QUEEN OF DREAMS (Schiffer), CAP’N REX & HIS CLEVER CREW (Sterling), and LITTLE RED CUTTLEFISH (Pelican). His children’s short stories appear in Highlights for Children, Ladybug Magazine, the middle grade anthology COMING OF AGE (Albert Whitman), and the young adult anthology THE HITHERTO SECRET EXPERIMENTS OF MARIE CURIE (Blackstone Publishing). Henry’s speculative fiction adult short stories have appeared in Daily Science Fiction, Utopia Science Fiction Magazine, and Fairy Tale Magazine, as well as in anthologies published by Air & Nothingness Press, Denver Horror Collective, Black Hare Press, Sinister Smile Press, Castle Bridge Media, Megara Press, and others. He has edited three anthologies.
Henry earned an MA in Political Science from Georgetown University, an MS in Engineering from George Washington University, and a BS in Engineering from Cornell University. He’s an SCBWI member. Henry moderates author panels at San Diego Comic-Con and other conventions. He lives in San Diego, California, and loves his family, dogs, trees, and Boston Creme Pie. Find him at www.henryherz.com.
And deal news! Jonathan Eaton at Tilbury House has acquired world rights to the picture books I AM GRAVITY and I AM LIGHT by Henry Herz, follow-ups to the critically acclaimed I AM SMOKE with illustrations by Mercè López, which explore the abstract properties of gravity and light in an unusual and lyrical form. Publication is set for 2023; Devon Halliday at Transatlantic Agency negotiated the two-book deal.
Henry is represented by Devon Halliday.