Congratulations to Yejide Kilanko whose story THIS TANGIBLE THING, published in RELATIONS: An Anthology of African and Diaspora Voices (HarperVia), has been shortlisted for the prestigious Caine Prize for African Writing!

The Caine Prize for African Writing is an annual literary award for the best original short story by an African writer, whether in Africa or elsewhere, published in the English language.

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Yejide Kilanko was born in Ibadan, Nigeria. She lives in Ontario, Canada, where she practices as a therapist in children’s mental health. Kilanko’s debut novel, Daughters Who Walk This Path, is a Canadian national bestseller. The novel was longlisted for the 2016 Nigeria Literature Prize. Kilanko’s work includes a novella, Chasing Butterflies (2015), and a children’s picture book, There Is An Elephant In My Wardrobe (2019). Kilanko’s short fiction is in the anthology, New Orleans Review 2017: The African Literary Hustle. When she’s not busy dreaming about more stories and poems, you’ll find Kilanko online playing simultaneous games of Scrabble.

Yejide is represented by Léonicka Valcius.

Congratulations Yejide!
