Congratulations to Khaled Hosseini on the publication of the magnificent 20th Anniversary edition of his global phenomenon THE KITE RUNNER!
The following publishers are releasing the 20th Anniversary edition this year:
- Doubleday (Canada), October 3, 2023
- Riverhead (US), October 3, 2023
- Bloomsbury (UK), October 5, 2023
- Old Lion Publishing House (Ukraine), early 2024
- Libri Kiado (Hungary), October 4, 2023
- Wahlström & Widstrand (Sweden), July, 2023
- DC Books (Malayalam rights in India), first week of October, 2023
- Zangak (Armenia), August 3 2023
- De Bezige Bij (Netherlands), November 2023
- Salamandra (Spain), September 14h, 2023 and June 19th, 2023, in Mexico.
Rights Sold:
English (US): Riverhead Books, English (Canada): Ancor Canada, Albanian (World): Omsca, Arabic (Qatar): Bloomsbury Qatar, Armenian (World): Zagnak 97, Azerbaijani (World): Ali & Nino, Brazilian (World): Globo, Bulgarian (World): Obsidian, Catalan (Spain): Ediciones 62, Complex Chinese (Taiwan): ECUS, Simplified Chinese (China): Horizon, Croatian (World): Vorto Palabra, Czech (World): Argo, Danish (World): Cicero , Dutch (World): Bezige Bij, Estonian (World): Eesti, Finnish (World): Otava , French (World): Univers Poche, German (World): S. Fischer Verlag, Greek (World): Psichogios, Hungarian (World) Libri, Italian (World): Feltrinelli, Kazakh (Kazakhstan): Foliant, Korean (Korea): Hyundae Munhak, Latvian (World): Zvaigzne, Lithuanian (World): Jotema, Malayalam (India): DC Books, Marathi (India): Mehta Publishing, Montenegro (World): Nova Knjiga, Norwegian (World): Cappelen Damm/Font, Polish (World): Albatros, Portuguese (World): Ed. Presenca, Romanian (World): Niculescu, Serbian (World): Laguna, Slovenian (World): Mladinska Knjiga Zaloba , Swedish (World): Wahstrom & Widstrand, Thai (World): Nation Global Edutainment, Ukraine (World): Old Lion Publishing, Turkey (World): Everest
Amir and Hassan are childhood friends in the alleys and orchards of Kabul in the sunny days before the invasion of the Soviet army and Afghanistan’s decent into fanaticism. Both motherless, they grow up as close as brothers, but their fates are to be different. Amir’s father is a wealthy merchant; Hassan’s father is his manservant. Amir belongs to the ruling caste of Pashtuns, Hassan to the despised Hazaras.
This fragile idyll is broken by the mounting ethnic, religious and political tensions that begin to divide Afghanistan further. An unspeakable assault on Hassan by a gang of local boys tears the friends apart; and when the Soviets invade Afghanistan, Amir and his father flee to San Francisco, leaving Hassan and his father to a pitiless fate. Only years later will Amir have an opportunity to redeem himself by returning to Afghanistan to begin to repay the debt long owed to the man who should have been his brother.
Compelling, heartrending and etched with details of a history never before told in fiction, The Kite Runner is a story of the ways in which we’re damned by our moral failures, and of the extravagant cost of redemption.
Khaled Hosseini was born in Kabul, Afghanistan, and moved to the United States in 1980. He is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns, and And the Mountains Echoed. Hosseini is also a U.S. Goodwill Envoy to the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and the founder of The Khaled Hosseini Foundation, a nonprofit that provides humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan.
Khaled Hosseini is represented by Samantha Haywood.
Congratulations Khaled!