Exciting news! INDIAN BURIAL GROUND by Nick Medina has been chosen as LibraryReads Bonus Pick for April! 

This is a selection chosen by the LibraryReads Steering Committee to highlight books they feel are particularly worthy of notice.

LibraryReads is a recommendation program that highlights public librarians’ favorite new books. This grassroots virtual community, open to all public library staff, serves as a national “library staff picks list,” featuring the Ten adult titles published each month that library staff have read, loved, and cannot wait to share with their patrons.  


A man lunges in front of a car. An elderly woman silently drowns herself. A corpse sits up in its coffin and speaks. On this reservation, not all is what it seems, in this new spine-chilling mythological horror from the author of Sisters of the Lost Nation.

All Noemi Broussard wanted was a fresh start. With a new boyfriend who actually treats her right and a plan to move from the reservation she grew up on—just like her beloved Uncle Louie before her—things are finally looking up for Noemi. Until the news of her boyfriend’s apparent suicide brings her world crumbling down.

But the facts about Roddy’s death just don’t add up, and Noemi isn’t the only one who suspects that something menacing might be lurking within their tribal lands.

After over a decade away, Uncle Louie has returned to the reservation, bringing with him a past full of secrets, horror, and what might be the key to determining Roddy’s true cause of death. Together, Noemi and Louie set out to find answers…but as they get closer to the truth, Noemi begins to wonder whether it might be best for some secrets to remain buried.

Nick is represented by Amanda Orozco. 
