Ron Lightburn’s career as a children’s book illustrator was launched with his Governor General’s Award-winning artwork for Waiting for the Whales in 1991. Since then he has illustrated numerous other best selling picture books and has become internationally renowned for his sensitive storytelling skills and range of illustration styles, from the touching realism of How Smudge Came to the exuberant whimsy of The Happily Ever Afternoon. During the past quarter century his artwork has graced the covers of over sixty books and has been featured in magazines, calendars, posters and advertisements across North America. His client list includes the Province of British Columbia, Aliant, McDonald’s Restaurants, The Walt Disney Company, CP Hotels, Heritage Canada Foundation and General Foods. His artwork has been recognized and exhibited by The Society of Illustrators in New York and is included in the permanent collections of Library and Archives Canada in Ottawa, the Osborne Collection of Early Children’s Books in Toronto and the Merril Collection of Science Fiction, Speculation and Fantasy in Toronto. In 2005 his paintings for A Poppy Is To Remember were selected to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in the Library and Archives Canada publication Read Up On It.
Ron and his partner Sandra reside in the beautiful Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia. Their popular perennial picture book, Pumpkin People, reveals the secret life of the folk art figures that gather each year to celebrate the Kentville Harvest Festival.
Represented by Andrea Cascardi .