Patrick O’Brien has been an full time professional artist and illustrator since the mid-1980s. He has worked for clients such as The Smithsonian, National Geographic, and The Discovery Channel. His art has appeared in magazines and newspapers, on posters and greeting cards, and even on billboards. Patrick entered the marine art field in 2002. He does exhaustive historical and nautical research to ensure that his paintings are as accurate as possible. He has been commissioned by many clients, such as Lockheed Martin and ExxonMobil. Patrick is also a part-time professor at MICA, the Maryland Institute College of Art.Patrick is the author and illustrator of fourteen children’s books. These are mostly non-fiction books about things like knights, pirates, ships, and dinosaurs, although he has done a couple of sci-fi books about dinosaurs in space. A number of his picture books, including You Are the First Kid on Mars, which is currently aboard the International Space Station, and Captain Raptor and the Moon Mystery were edited by his now agent Timothy Travaglini. See PatrickOBrienIllustration.com
Represented by Tim Travaglini .